Angela M O’Neill, PsyD

Dr. O’Neill is a licensed clinical psychologist conducting forensic evaluations . She graduated with a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Immaculata University in 2015. Her dissertation was “Coping Skills Training for Police Officers: An Advanced Review.” She completed her doctoral internship and post-doctoral fellowship at Upper Bay Counseling Services, a community outpatient setting, in Maryland. While at Upper Bay Counseling Services, she provided individualized psychotherapy to a wide range of clientele focusing on co-occurring disorders, anxiety, mood disorders, trauma, dissociation, psychosis, and personality disorders. She provided psychological evaluations for adults, children, and adolescents, conducted bariatric surgery and spinal stimulation evaluations, and assisted in law enforcement evaluations. Additionally, she was the lead facilitator of a court-mandated anger management group and supervise intern-level facilitators. 

Dr. O’Neill transitioned from community-based outpatient treatment to focus on forensic assessment and treatment in a correctional setting. She began work as a full-time psychologist for Primecare Medical, Inc. at Chester County Prison in 2016. She provided psychological assessments, suicide-risk assessments, and individualized psychotherapy to incarcerated adult males, adult females, and male adjudicated juveniles. She became the Director of Mental Health in 2019, expanding her duties to supervising and managing the mental health department which consisted of four psychologists, two psychiatrists, and a psychiatric nurse practitioner. As the director, she was primarily responsible for the treatment and management of patients on suicide precautions and those with serious mental illnesses, coordinating treatment protocols with security staff, and maintaining open and cooperative communication and education between treatment staff and security staff. Dr. O’Neill began conducting forensic evaluations for MG Therapeutics LLC in July of 2022 and transitioned to a full-time evaluator as of January 2023. Currently, she conducts a variety of forensic evaluations and works with Delaware County Diagnostic Services in completing evaluations within the county correctional system. Her experiences working within a correctional setting provides greater insight and understanding of the stressors and difficulties faced by incarcerated individuals that differ from the general community population.

Evaluation Types








Risk Assessment